Restaurant Name*
Restaurant Address*
As stated on Google maps.
Phone Number*
Add in a format with the country code, as 0062 + number (Indonesian country code + number). Please use “00” at the beginning instead of “+”.
Facebook link*
Instagram link*
Title Description*
Please describe your restaurant in one sentence.
Story of the restaurant*
Please share unique content about your restaurant that people can not find anywhere else (e.g. how your restaurant started).
Best Dish Name*
First Dish Name*
Success tip of your restaurant*
Share why you think you became a favourite and delicious restaurant for many people.
Price Range*
Cuisine Area*
Cuisine Country*
Restaurant profile photo*
Maximum file size: 307 KB
We recommend using this website to resize pictures: Simply upload a picture, click on the left on "File Size" and Start resizing pictures. Upload the resized picture here.
Feeling Like*
Restaurant Video
You can upload only a video that is placed on Youtube. Please add the Youtube link here.
Best Dish Name**
Maximum file size: 307 KB
We recommend using this website to resize pictures: Simply upload a picture, click on the left on "File Size" and Start resizing pictures. Upload the resized picture here.
First dish image*
Maximum file size: 307 KB
We recommend using this website to resize pictures: Simply upload a picture, click on the left on "File Size" and Start resizing pictures. Upload the resized picture here.
Additional Information*
Please write down inspiring people, chefs or places you know and you would recommend (their instagram nickname)
Before sending out the form, please double check your writing and grammar. Thank you for your time. We wish you a great day, Cocobeli Team